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Sheryl Tunnell

Photo of Sheryl Tunnell

Teacher - Kindergarten - K2

Phone: 403-337-8670

I am excited to be in Kindergarten this year. Over my career I have taught everything from Kindergarten to grade 3. My husband and I moved to Carstairs in 2013, craving to live back in a small town. Since then we have welcomed 3 children into our world. I love to read and play super simple video games! I love being outside in the summer and watching my kids play in the pool and run around. I cannot wait to watch my students grow over this school year.

Contact Staff Member


PO Box 1440 - 1404 Scarlett Ranch Blvd.
Carstairs , Alberta T0M 0N0

Phone: 403-337-8670

Fax: 403-337-4276